Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the links to read the letters regarding notice for 1/26/22.

This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, January 27, 2022, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Page County High School at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. This meeting is a Pre-Budget Hearing.
Comments are due by 4 p.m. Please Note: If you plan to attend the meeting in person, masks are required. Thank you.
Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public
Comments: https://forms.gle/SJEAw2vF7gbxQozL7
View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGwjAug76Jk

!! Please Share!!
Notice to Parents in the Shenandoah Area--
Bus 58 route will be split by several buses for the MORNING route for the remainder of the week, January 27 and 28th. No changes will be made to the afternoon route. Listed below are the changes for the morning route ONLY.
Bus 48 will cover 340 from the recycling center to Rudy's Diner and Eppard Subdivision around 7:45 a.m.
Bus 2 will cover Shenandoah River Road- 7:30 a.m., Junior Avenue- 7:35 a.m. and High Knoll Terrace Subdivision -7:40 a.m.
Bus 4 will cover Bus 58 Elementary second route at 7:45 a.m.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the links to read the letters regarding notice for 1/25/22.

‼️Please share‼️
Notice to parents in the Shenandoah Area-
Bus 58 route will be split by several buses Wednesday morning. No changes will be made to the afternoon route. Listed below are the changes for the morning route only-
Bus 48 will cover 340 from the recycling center to Rudy’s Diner and Eppard Subdivision around 7:45 am.
Bus 2 will cover Shenandoah River Road- 7:30 am, Junior Avenue- 7:35am and High Knoll Terrace Subdivison -7:40 am.
Bus 4 will cover Bus 58 Elementary second route at 7:45 am.

Job Description: https://5il.co/b809
Job Opportunities Page: https://pagecounty.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx

This afternoon the PCPS central office received a phone call from an unknown individual who did not make a direct threat to anyone in the division but caused concern among the division staff. Out of an abundance of caution, staff contacted the Page County Sheriff’s Office (PCSO) and Luray Police Department (LPD) who responded immediately.
Appropriate steps were taken at PCPS schools to continue to ensure student and staff safety.
LPD and PCSO personnel were present at all schools throughout the day and at dismissal. There will be additional law enforcement present at evening activities in the division. The LPD and the PCSO will also provide a continued presence at all schools tomorrow.
We take all concerns very seriously and will continue to work collaboratively to ensure student and staff safety at all times.

*This week we will be honoring our principals and assistant principals for all of the hard work they do for our students. If you see them out and about, please let them know how much you appreciate them. *
Shenandoah Elementary School:
Principal: Mrs. Monica Hinegardner
Assistant Principal: Mr. Corey Harlow
Mrs. Hinegardner is in her 1st year as principal. Before becoming principal at Shenandoah Elementary School, she served as an Assistant Principal in Shenandoah County. When asked what she wanted to be when she grew up, she said she always wanted to be an educator. " There was a short period in my childhood that I wanted to be cashier, but that changed when I started playing school."
When asked about a kind or thoughtful thing that someone had done for her recently, she said someone wrote her note saying how they appreciated how she handled a situation. "My love language is words of affirmation, so reading words of thoughtfulness/encouragement is the best gift anyone could give in my book."
Mr. Corey Harlow, is in his 1st year as an Assistant Principal. He says if he could give advice to his younger self he would say not to worry so much about the future, but rather to live life to the fullest, in the moment, and always to follow my passion. As we grow up it is important that we keep playing, that we keep laughing, and that we ALWAYS have fun. Everyday is an opportunity to learn something new. You have the choice to make it great day, or not. The choice to be happy is ultimately yours.
He says when he was younger he was always playing school. "In my mind, teaching is a calling to serve. Everyday I have the opportunity to make a difference in the life of another and impact students' futures. The job may not always be easy, but every single day it is guaranteed to be rewarding."
Thank you, Mrs. Hinegardner and Mr. Harlow for all you do every day for your students, staff, and Stanley community.

Possible Inclement Weather on Monday, January 24, 2022
PCPS is currently monitoring the possibility of inclement weather tonight that could impact our Monday morning commute to school and work. If a decision is needed to move to a two-hour delay, information will be shared with everyone by 5:30am. More information about our inclement weather procedures can be found on our division webpage or by clicking HERE.
Thank you.

Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the links to read the letters regarding notice for 1/21/22.

Please read this letter from Division Superintendent, Dr. Antonia Fox, on masking in PCPS. Thank you. https://5il.co/14m1f

Notice to parents in the Shenandoah and Grovehill Area:
This afternoon there will be two bus changes:
Students living on McDaniel Lane and Rinaca Lane will ride bus 58 home.
Bus 48 and Bus 2 will be combined this afternoon causing altered drop off times.
The route will run in this order- 340 to Strole Farm Road to Grovehill River Rd to Riverbend Road to Newport Road to Rockingham Drive to 340 then to Battlecreek Road.

Please read this important letter from School Board Chair, Mrs. Megan Gordon and Division Superintendent, Dr. Antonia Fox. Thank you! https://5il.co/14kj6

Notice to parents in the Grovehill/ Shenandoah Area-
Bus 48 will be approximately 40 minutes late this morning.
Rinaca Lane and McDaniel Lane will be picked up at approximately 7:30 am this morning by bus 58.

Good Evening. This message is to inform you that Page County Public Schools will be opening ON TIME, tomorrow, Friday, January 21, 2022. Thank you, and please share.

Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the links to read the letters regarding notice for 1/19/22.

Thursday, Jan 20, 2022 Activities & Events Update
All PCPS evening events are cancelled with the exception of the School Board meeting. Practices may be held at the school’s discretion but will end by 4:30pm. No student will be penalized for not being able to attend a practice due to unsafe road conditions in their area or due to a lack of transportation. Coaches will be communicating with players and families as soon as possible.
Dates for events that can be rescheduled will be shared as soon as possible. Thank you.

There will be a special called meeting of the Page County School Board to review Health Mitigation Strategies on Thursday, January 20, 2022. The meeting will be held at the Page County Schools Central Office at 5:30pm and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. The public has the opportunity to submit comments four ways:
1) In-Person: Notify the Board Clerk (lbreeden-wallace@pagecounty.k12.va.us) in advance or be present by 5:30pm.
2) Submit a Comment Online by 4:00pm: https://forms.gle/Tp9faD1ZQ5XCWSsx7
3) Complete the Parent or Staff Feedback form that was shared on January 18, 2022.
4) Email the School Board or the Superintendent.
Thank you.
Meeting Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/
View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live

Update on School Status Thursday, January 20, 2022
Good morning,
Out of an abundance of caution and with varied conditions across the County impacting the safe passage on our roads, all PCPS schools will be closed today, Thursday, January 20, 2022. Decisions about afternoon and evening activities will be made later today and communicated. Information for staff will be emailed shortly. Thank you.

School Status Update for Thursday, January 20, 2022
All PCPS schools and offices will open on a two-hour delay on Thursday, January 20, 2022.
However, due to the uncertainty of this particular weather event in our area, we will be reassessing forecasts late this evening and road conditions early tomorrow morning. If conditions deteriorate to the point where it is unsafe to put our buses, student drivers, or staff on the roads, we may have to cancel school. The decision to cancel school will be made no later than 7:00am.
Additionally, please be advised that we have had to make a change to the school lunch menus for tomorrow and will update Friday’s menus as soon as possible. These updates can be viewed on the division website.
We thank everyone for their continued patience and flexibility as we continue to make decisions that have everyone’s safety as the primary concern.
Thank you and have a good evening.