Please read the attached letter from Dr. Antonia M. Fox, Division Superintendent. Please share.

The following changes are for this afternoon's routes in the Shenandoah Area.
Bus 2 and Bus 58 will load at the same time. Bus 58 students will be on time, but Bus 2 students will be approximately 30 min late due to the double run.
Thank you, and please share.

Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the links to read the letters regarding notice for 11/12/21.
PCMS https://5il.co/11wqq
SHEN https://5il.co/11wqr

Notice To Parents In the Shenandoah Area-
There will be 2 late buses this afternoon, Bus 2 and Bus 5 will be approximately 30-40 minutes late delivering students home. These buses will be running double routes, causing the delay.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.

This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday, November 11, 2021, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at Page County High School at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m.
Please Note: If you plan to attend the meeting in person, masks are required. Thank you.
Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public
Comments Form: https://forms.gle/ycpdQVEZz6u79ZsD9
View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live

Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the link to read the letter regarding notice for 11/09/21.

Are you looking for a job! Come join our team!
Job Description: https://5il.co/b806
Application/Job Vacancies: https://pagecounty.tedk12.com/hire/index.aspx

Shop online through your Education Purchase Program store: www.dell.com/mpp/pagecountyk12
11/1: Sneak Peek goes live
11/15 – 11/27: Black Friday Early Access FOR EPP Members (ONLINE ONLY)
Details: Doorbusters launch each weekday through 11/27. As a reminder, doorbusters are limited in quantity and first come first serve. Shop early as these deals will sell out quickly!

Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the link to read the letter regarding notice for 10/29/21.
Shenandoah Elementary https://5il.co/11afz

Important Announcement for Parents:
Page County Public Schools will be hosting Parent-Teacher Conferences on Monday, November 1, 2021, from 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (12:00 - 1:00 p.m. reserved for lunch). If you haven't already done so, we would encourage you to reach out to your child's teacher(s) to schedule an appointment. These meetings will be in-person or virtually depending on your preference/schedule.
Additionally, Page County Public Schools will be closed on Tuesday, November 2, 2021, for students. This day is designated as a professional development day for teachers in the 2021-22 school calendar.
Thank you, and please share.

Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the link to read the letter regarding notice for 10/27/21.

This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday October 28, 2021, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at the Central Office Building at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Please Note: If you plan to attend the meeting in person, masks are required. Thank you.
Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public
Comments: https://forms.gle/5fnTrC3EgEYVDVa17
View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live

Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the link to read the letter regarding notice for 10/25/21.

Have you read this month's issue of Shenandoah Happenings?
Read it here!

Page County Public Schools would like to send a huge SHOUT OUT to our entire Transportation Department. This year has been filled with daily obstacles and all of you (bus drivers, car/van drivers, mechanics, assistants, and supervisors) have risen to the task. We know you have an important job on your hands, and you do it every single day with love and grace. You transport our most precious cargo. Thank you for all you've done, and for all you continue to do for our children and our schools. You are appreciated!!

Page County Public Schools would like to announce the immediate opening of Bookkeeper for Luray High School. Please see the attached job description for details, and if you have questions, please contact Nicky Clark at Luray High School (540)743-3800.

Happy Boss's Day to all of our excellent leaders. You are appreciated for all you do!

This is a reminder that tonight, Thursday October 14, 2021, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at Luray High School at 6:30 p.m. and may be viewed LIVE on our YouTube Channel. Comments are due by 4 p.m. Please Note: If you plan to attend the meeting in person, masks are required. Thank you.
Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public
Comments: https://forms.gle/aWqRm1nSd8FSCKLm8
View LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-g9IX_1lhKtsQkDAh7KC-Q

Please read this important letter from division superintendent, Dr. Antonia M. Fox.
Thank you.
Page County Public Schools

Please share!
Important Bus Route Change Information:
Notice to Parents in the Grovehill/Shenandoah Area for Wednesday Afternoon ONLY (October 13, 2021).
The changes are as follows:
Students riding to McDaniel Lane and Rinaca Lane will ride Bus 42 (now Bus 58) in the afternoon to go home.
Thank you, and please share.