PCPS Students & Parents, Please be aware that the remote learning materials you receive during the middle of November may look as though there is additional work, however, this is because teachers are combining work due to the Thanksgiving break. No Remote Learning is expected on the 25th, 26th, or 27th of November. Please enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday with your families. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
important information
This is an important message from Page County Public Schools: COVID-19 NOTICE: Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the link to read the letter regarding notice. https://5il.co/my1q
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Information
On Friday, November 6, 2020, PCPS librarians Jennifer Bracken, Tammy Rhinehart, and Carrie Campbell, participated in the virtual VAASL Annual Fall Conference. PCHS Jennifer Bracken was sworn in as the Regional Director-Elect for the Shenandoah Region. Congratulations.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Jennifer Bracken
This week is National School Psychologist Week. We, at Page County Public Schools, would like to give a big shout out to our school psychologists, Jonathan Lineburg, Cindy McHaney, and our virtual psychologist, Brittany Gill, who go far beyond the call of duty to help our students shine. This week, we honor you !
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Helping all kids to shine
Jonathan Lineburg
Cindy McHaney
This is a reminder that tonight, Monday, November 9, 2020, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Central Office. Anyone wishing to make comments for the meeting should submit them no later than 4 p.m. today. Comments must be directly related to agenda items. The meeting may be viewed LIVE on YouTube. Meeting Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public Comments Form: https://forms.gle/hqVuuLsoArwKgDRx9 View Live: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
school board meeting
Please be sure to check backpacks this weekend! Starting Today, every child that attends Page County Public Schools, that is an in-person learner, will be sent home with a bag of food for the weekend. For A Day students meals will be sent on Tuesdays, and for B Day students this will be on Friday. Students that attend 4 days a week will also get meals on Fridays. Remote learners and children 18 and under that are NOT enrolled in PCPS may access the weekend meals during Friday meal pick-ups. Please see the nutritional services news letter for more important information about this program. https://5il.co/mtq0 Thank you, and please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
PCPS logo
As required by the VDOE this message is to be sent annually to inform parents. “The Department of Education shall annually prepare and distribute to local school boards packets of information describing the educational and other services available through the Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind, the Virginia Department for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing, and the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired to students who are identified as hearing impaired or visually impaired. Local school boards shall annually post this information on the school division's web site and inform the parents of those students who are identified as hearing impaired or visually impaired of its availability. School boards shall ensure that packets of such information are available in an accessible format for review by parents who do not have Internet access.” With the attached link, you will find guidance documents and resources available at the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) website for Sensory Disabilities http://www.doe.virginia.gov/special_ed/disabilities/sensory_disabilities/index.shtml
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
A Message From Page County Public Schools: Are you in need of internet services? Let Page County Connect help you! Take advantage of this opportunity to have your internet paid for you. Don't wait. Check out the details here https://5il.co/molr Today!!
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Page County Connect
This is an important message from Page County Public Schools: COVID-19 NOTICE: Per our health plan, we stated we would notify the public of any positive cases relevant to our school system. Please click on the link to read the letter regarding notice. https://5il.co/mour
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Message
Are you still trying to get internet? This may be the solution to your problem. Check out this offer from Page County. To print your copy of the application click https://5il.co/molr Spread the word. Conditions do apply.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Page County Connect Application
This is a reminder that tonight, Monday, October 26, 2020, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be held at 6:30 p.m. at the school board office. Anyone wishing to make comments for the meeting should submit them no later than 4 p.m. today. Comments must be directly related to agenda items. The meeting may be viewed LIVE on YouTube. Meeting Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public Comments: https://forms.gle/LG7wSALsErsmJv4u8 View Live: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live Please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
School Board Meeting
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Important Information
Wednesday, October 21st is Unity Day (United Against Bullying) . We would like for all students , teachers, and staff members to participate in this event. Since we are not in school on Wednesdays, we will participate with Blended Students (Prek-2) participating on Tuesday, October 20th A Day Students wear Orange on Tuesday, October 20th. B Day students wear orange on Thursday, October 22nd. Remote students, we want you to participate too. Show us your Unity by taking a picture of yourself wearing orange and email it to trunyan@pagecounty.k12.va.us. Please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Unity Day
Each month the Virginia Department of Education releases a publication specifically aimed at providing resources for families of children with disabilities. We will be sharing this publication via Facebook and Live Feed. Please share. https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/VADOE/bulletins/2a5d14b
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
vdoe Virginia is for Learners
Happy National Boss's Day to all of our extraordinary, dedicated, and wonderful bosses within Page County Public Schools. You are appreciated!! Be sure to thank your boss today!!
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Happy National Boss's Day
For Important Information Regarding PCPS Return to Learn Plans, please click on the appropriate link below: For Elementary Students : https://5il.co/m2ek For Middle School Students : https://5il.co/m2el For High School Students: https://5il.co/m2ep (Survey Included) Thank you, and please share.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
Page County Public Schools is currently looking to fill instructional assistant, driver, custodian, and long-term substitute positions. Please share this information with individuals that may be seeking employment. Applications may be found on the Page County Public Schools webpage at https://www.pagek12.org/o/pcps/page/human-resources--293 .
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
PCPS logo
This is a reminder that tonight, Monday, October 12, 2020, is the regularly scheduled school board meeting. The meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. at the school board office. Anyone wishing to make comments for the meeting should submit them no later than 4 p.m. today. Comments must be directly related to agenda items. The meeting may be viewed LIVE on YouTube. Agenda: https://go.boarddocs.com/vsba/pcss/Board.nsf/Public Comments: https://forms.gle/q3zb8zKApHLNhtXR7 View Live: https://www.youtube.com/c/PageCountySchools/live
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
school board meeting
Page County Public Schools is currently looking to fill aide, driver, custodian, and long-term substitute positions. Please share this information with individuals that may be seeking employment. Applications may be found on the Page County Public Schools webpage at https://www.pagek12.org/o/pcps/page/human-resources--293 .
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
We're celebrating Farm to School week. This week's menu includes sweet potatoes grown at Survivor Farm in Luray and apples grown at Thornton River Orchard in Sperryville. Here is a sample meal from one of our schools today (corn dog nuggets, green beans, sweet potatoes, apple, and milk). Don't forget to sign-up by 3pm today for meals to be delivered to bus stops tomorrow. You can complete the form at https://forms.gle/CCdiQwx25hpjcHEQ8. You Must sign-up each week.
over 4 years ago, Page County Public Schools
lunch pic